Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh just an update

Well how about a little update?
just has one final left- isn't that exciting? yay for the end of school
still loves his job
going to start full time after the baby comes
very excited for his family to come for Christmas this year
anxious for baby Adam's arrival
in reality, he is probably just as anxious as I am- I imagine he is just sick of me being pregnant
getting lots of cool toys for Christmas this year
just cannot wait to be done with school
I am so proud of Jake. Good job, done with school, great dad, wonderfully attentive husband.
I just picked good, that's all. ;)
finished with school on campus- I have two independent study class left
still pregnant
being induced on Sunday if the baby doesn't come sooner
pretty sure I will be induced on Sunday
slowly but surely working on cleaning the whole apartment- done the kitchen, living room, and Mikey's room. Stupid bathroom and bedroom- they are killing me
been doing some sewing- made a baby blanket for Adam, matching car seat blankets for the boys
decorated for Christmas- it looks pretty good if I do say so myself
well the tree looked good at first- now only the top half is decorated, silly Mikey
crazy energetic
was sick for about 5 or 6 weeks and now that he isn't anymore he is just absolutely crazy
points to my stomach when I ask him to say Adam
knows foot and nose
can say Dada, Mama(rarely), yes, no, and done
picks up his toys and puts them away when we ask, sometimes even when we don't
likes to throw stuff in the trash for us
loves loves loves to go outside
excited to be a big brother
probably about ready for only one nap a day and I am not sure how I feel about that
well that's untrue- I am sure that I am not ready for him to have only one nap a day
loves to play with his little vtech laptop, even though the mouse is broken
loves to play with my extra tripod- I think he'll be a photographer haha
strong heartbeat
big mover
loves Cap'n Crunch (if my cravings are any indication)
coming on Sunday- awesome
Well there ya go. Our family update. Not a lot to share. Lots of big changes going on around here and I am nervous, excited, terrified and exhausted about each one. Wish us luck.

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