Thursday, January 31, 2013

Muffins and Vacuuming

Here are some pictures of my boys! They are both doing pretty great. I don't get to take as many pictures as I would like but I manage to capture some fun moments anyways.
Mikey has been struggling with Jake working full time and freaks out when he leaves in the morning- every morning. I have been trying hard to distract him while Jake slips out so we made muffins the other day. Mikey stirred the batter and poured them into the cups.

The other day I asked Jake to vacuum up some food Mikey spilled- this is what I saw when I came into the living room. Jake really enjoys being a dad.

Tummy time bonding between boys!
Last night during my hour (every night I get one hour to do absolutely nothing while Jake does all the parenting) Jake was feeding Mikey and put Adam on the couch to "sit all by himself." Adam didn't love it, especially since gravity was not his friend.

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